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You Are Never Alone

Do you remember what, Psalm 23 says?, it tells us even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is with us. Sometimes in life we make wrong choices and even in such cases, He is there. Have you ever tried to keep a secret from Him? God laughs at the so call wisdom of men. How low can we go? Even in that position, He is there. The truth is we are never alone.

You will never be alone, is a promise that’s sure and even in the most vulnerable of times or emotional abandonment, He is always present. They may think that they have won, based upon your present calamity but He has prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Aloneness and isolation are two different scenarios, let’s try not to allow our aloneness to misguide us.

There are some benefits from being alone, which does not necessarily mean loneliness, it can be a plus because you get to discover who you really are and how much power and strength resides on the inside of you. Truths are revealed in the quietness and stillness of our solitude. Some answers you have been waiting for, suddenly burst forth with a surge of excitement on the inside backed up with an outward smile. Discovery takes place, answers to prayers and the  experience of new things are happening as you are made ready to embrace new found truths.

Uninterrupted time, where great ideas are birthed. The peacefulness felt, gives a sense of appreciation for accepting what really does not necessarily have to change, who you are becoming but a new found attitude gives us the drive to continue living. Yes, you are alone now but there is much to learn, so use the moments as a stepping stone to accomplishing greater things that will fill the void in an authentic way.

Cherish the encounters, discover other things and make new acquaintances. Be free to laugh, live and love again. Your aloneness has benefits, you and I don’t need to live in regret. I can make the bed if I want to or even sing really loud in the shower. Hey, we are making the best of the time we have left here on this earth. Time is still precious and a very expensive commodity. Launch out when the time is right, but put into action the things learnt from the times of aloneness.

You and I, are never alone. Let’s cherish it as a time of building, because Jesus was NEVER REALLY ALONE!

Marking International Widows Day 2024!

Written by: Shirlyn, Love You...

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